Last Lecture : Book Paperback (Randy Pausch)



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About the book
Over twenty-five million people have now seen Randy give the lecture, via thousands of websites, and television shows from Oprah to Good Morning America, and millions more continue to read about him in ongoing press coverage.
THE LAST LECTURE has touched people in an unusual way–eliciting thousands of e-mails from those helped by his message.
In what has become a global phenomenon, the video has popped up on sites all over the world, including a subtitled version in China, and showings of the lecture to auditoriums of students in India.
On Wednesday 9 April, there will be a 1-hour ABC-TV Diane Sawyer special devoted to Randy Pausch and THE LAST LECTURE, followed by a live Good Morning America piece on Thursday 10 April.
Huge multi-million dollar auction in the States for book rights.
Will appeal to fans of Tuesdays with Morrie, etc.
A lot of professors give talks titled The Last Lecture. Professors are asked to consider their demise and to ruminate on what matters most to them: What wisdom would we impart to the world if we knew it was our last chance? If we had to vanish tomorrow, what would we want as our legacy?

When Randy Pausch, a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon, was asked to give such a lecture, he didnt have to imagine it as his last, since he had recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer. But the lecture he gave, Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams, wasnt about dying. It was about the importance of overcoming obstacles, of enabling the dreams of others, of seizing every moment (because time is all you have and you may find one day that you have less than you think). It was a summation of everything Randy had come to believe. It was about living.

In this book, Randy Pausch has combined the humour, inspiration, and intelligence that made his lecture such a phenomenon and given it an indelible form. It is a book that will be shared for generations to come.

Weight 159 g